Selasa, 27 Januari 2009


Wah enaknya ngomong apa y???

Ngomong nih ajah,,, bagi yg udh berusia 17+,pokoknya g 17-....
Cuman pengetahun dari dengerin radio ajah, aq curahkan ke sini,biar afdhol...
Orang yg sering freesex, ato yg sekarang umur 15 - 17 aj udh pacaran, dan pacarannya tuh melampaui batas normal, itu akn menyebabkan ejakulasi dini... tau ejakulasi dini... singkatnya orgasme dini,atau dia merasa puas saat dini, jadi ntar kl dh nikah nih,,,, dia bakal merasakan orgasme(kepuasan dalam berhubungan suami istri) itu cepet, padahal kn partner kita blum puas bo',,,,kn g enak tuh,,,bikin hubungan g hurmonis.... Tuh katanya si empunya crita....

Tapi ap bener sich kykk gitu, pastilah y bener,,, pake logika ajah udh bisa... truz gimana dengan Aal Sex.... Nah apa lagi nih.... Truz gimana dengan Dogy Style.... Wah gimana tuh posisinya...?????hehehe.... Byk bgt sih posisi yg g wajar.... Capek Dech.....

Mimpi kamu apa???

pasti ad satu mimpi yg belum tercapai sampai saat ini, ato ad yg udh kesampaian... Alhamdulillah dech kl yg udh tercapai mimpinya....

Iseng iseng nulis... eh koq nulis about mimpi.... Tp enak juga dicurahkan... Kadang setiap org itu punya mimpi tapi g ad yg diperbuat biar mimpi itu tercapai... jadi harus gimana dunk??? Yg jelaz bukan berdiam diri dan meratapi nasib lho yach.... Sebagai manusia normal pasti kita punya rasa bosan rasa semangat yg tinggi,ato rasa campur aduklah... iya kn???

langkah awal untuk mimpi ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
adalah bermimpi bahwa mimpi itu berhasil,itu obat yg paling mujarab menurutQ... sehingga kita bisa konsen truz sama si mimpi... Bukan stay off ajah lho.... Tapi bergerak,sesuai mimpi....

Yg pasti berusaha truz bo'..... Biar mimpinya tercapai...

Kalo udh berusaha jgan lupa berdoa............

Lha truz kl udh ke tiga2nya, tapi blum jg nongol tuh mimpi,,,mau diapain lh,namanya jg nasib....hahahahahaha....

Boost Your Business With Blogging!

Business blog is an incredible online marketing tool that saves you thousands of dollars but provides great business opportunities in just one click. Blogs are user-friendly, customized and flexible medium for disseminating useful information for effective positioning of your products in the market.

Companies engaging in business blogging have a definite edge over its competitors. Here are some advantages:
? Word-of-Mouth. In a survey, there are currently 14 million blogs with 80,000 more being added each day and about 30 percent of the 50 million users are blog readers. Imagine how much gain your company will have, if your products are advertised through blogs. With Internet, information spreads so quickly especially if an impressive write-up goes with your product. Soon your blogs will be passed on to hundreds of possible customers.
? Awareness and loyalty. Open communication with your customers creates trust and loyalty among them. Being there to respond to their questions and comments make them all the more willing to try your products and services.
? Feedback. Blogs is good for product research and reviews. It would be easier to improve on your products if you observe your customers’ thinking and behavioral patterns. You can also take immediate action to your customers’ concerns.
? Community halo-effect. Bloggers are reasonable, friendly and helpful. They are more than willing to create blogosphere of comments regarding your product. The only thing you have to do is embrace and take active part in the culture and your product will surely be considered in their next stop to the supermarket.

For better marketing results, actively promote your business blogs by submitting your blogs to blog search sites and directories. Do not forget to paste in with your blogs, your URL. Be sure that your blogs contain exclusive information with value and are always updated to keep readers popping in, read up your blog, move on to the next and click on again for updates.

Blog is like a setup booth in the biggest trade show on earth everyday. Marketing possibilities are just around the corner waiting to strike your sale scales up.

The Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are important too in conjunction with your blogs to get the best benefits. Use effective keyword phrases to generate high ranking status in the search engine traffic. In this way you have better chances of people finding your website leading to your blogs. More traffic means more potential sales.

For this to be successful, you can use RSS for news update feeds which can be read through RSS reader application. This is a very useful tool for business and internet marketers as well.

If you are already convinced with the potentials of business blogs for marketing and targeting sales increase, your company is now ready to start blogging. But first, you have to be in tune with your company’s business objectives and determine if blogging will really help you achieve your goal.

1. Several blogs are dedicated to teaching people the do’s and don’ts of blogging, READ them! Include in your reading materials blogs that are consumer-based too to give you an idea.
2. Setup several test blogs right away.

If your initial try out with blogs worked well, you can now start setting up your blogs.

1. Study blog design. Blog hosting services provide pre-designed templates. But if you opt for paid blog service, you can ask your artist to design and layout your blog site to match the company’s identity and needs.
2. Choose a topic. Its good to have a line-up of topics you want for your blogs but be sure they are in consonance with your business objectives. This would be a test of your flexibility and open-mindedness since results may be going against the set objectives.
3. Remember the following safety measures in blogging:
? legal issues are sometimes involved in blogging; it is safer to include disclaimers and limitations of liabilities;
? corporate communication and legal department are responsible in educating the senior management on how blogs might affect business;
? create blogging policies; set limits on who gets to blog and what information are allowed to be made public;
? avoid outright marketing blog or you will shy away your readers;
? make content updated, relevant and fresh;
? reinforce the company’s core values; and,
? encourage employees to use it.
4. Start blogging and complete 20 posts before going to marketing.
5. Begin marketing.
6. Regularly monitor the coming ins and outs of readers and get updates. Then, measure your results.
7. Adjust if needed. You can always play with your designs in the blog site as long as it remains to match the company’s identity.
8. Strive to be consistent with your topic all the time.
9. Try to have unrelated topics with general and broad appeal.
10. Schedule updates regularly. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday would be best to update blogs.

Once you have done all these things, you can now ultimately enjoy the benefits of business blogging.

Dangdut is the Music Of My Country

Sapa hayo yg g suka dangdut angkat tangan ke atas jgn ke bawah...hehehe...

Truz sapa yg suka sama Dangdut... Angkat kaki...hehehe..

Sebenernya Dangdut itu musik seperti apa sich??? Enak mana y dangdut sama POP..??
Pasti tergantung lg sama orangnya nilai seperti apa??? ada yg suka bgt yg namanya dangdut,da yg bencii bgt, tapi di sisi lain dangdut salah satu jenis musik yg asli dari Indonesia lho...

Taw kn Lagunya Project Pop yg judul lagunya" Dangdut is the music of my country"... pasti tau dunkz,masa' g tau... Harusnya qta bangga punya jenis musik seperti dangdut.. lha wong jenis musiknya asli buatan Indonesia... Tp sekarang berevolusi lah si dangdut dengan byk arrangement musik plus dan plus plusnya.... Jadi kedengaran dangdut Pop,atau Pop dangdut, pokoknya bisa dimacem2 lah... oy ad satu grup baru lho,,,dari mulai zaman Roma Irama,baru sekarang ad Band Dangdut yg enak di denger... Sapa sih...??? Hayooo sapa??? Masa' g tau???

Itu lho anknya Bang Haji... Nah dah tau kan???? Nama bandnya "SONETA2"... kalo maw dengerin Dangdut modern y di band itu.... Nih posting sekedar sharing berita ajah, biar dangdut truz maju.... maju truz pantang mundur...

Tp te2p komenku tolong dunkz lagu2 yg g enak didengerin jgn dinyanyi'in di TV...hehehehe...
mank pembuatnya bapakQ apa????hehe

Apa sih Google Chrome itu???

Mungkin dh byk yg tau yah Google Chrome itu.... Tapi yg blum tau g usah takut...hehehe... Google Chrome merupakan Web Brower yg diciptakan oleh si Profesor Kita alias Google... Ketika pake ini, yang aq rasai'n adalah kecepatannya yg emank terbukti mengalahkan yg lain... Tapi itu menurutQ lho... kalah sama yg namanya Opera or Mozilla...
Tapi semua tergantung kita yg memakainya.... Untuk mendownloadnya bisa klik
disini... Kalo ad Web Browser yg laen lg kabar2 yach...

Kalo udh di download, langsung ajah install,,,,tunggu beberapa menit,agk lama cih... Tp ampuh koq si dia ini.... Selamat mencoba......

Senin, 26 Januari 2009

How to Increase Sales Through Streaming Audio

        Many studies have proven that radio is a good medium for product advertisements.  People listen to the radio for entertainment, usually to listen to the latest music or to their favorite radio program.  In between the program, advertisements on products and services are being played.

        For many years, this has been the trend in advertising.  But now that the radio medium is almost behind the audio-visual medium, the TV, and the Internet, other marketing strategies have to be employed to continue the benefits of advertising through audio.

          It is then that the benefits of using music on websites were discovered.  Before, music on the Internet was just available in downloadable forms as mp3.  Even through hosting downloadable music on their servers, companies were able to get much traffic on their sites.  And everyone engaged in Internet marketing knows that website traffic plays a big role in boosting product and service sales.

           However, there had been a problem with illegal music download in which artists, musicians and record companies have lost millions of revenues.

           Then, came the popularity of Internet music streaming.  Unlike the former, radio streaming does not allow download of the music files.  Thus, the copyrights of the artists and record label owners are protected.

So, how can this be done?  There are several ways to stream audio from your site.  First, is to stream a radio program from your site or blog.  You can find free affiliate programs that allow you to stream their radio content from your site.

What will this mean to you?  This means that your site will have new audio content every time it is visited.  What's even great is that the content is being updated even without much effort from you.

In this case, what you needed to do is to signup with an Internet radio station and have the link embedded on your blog or website.

Another way is to stream mp3s.  To do this, you just need to upload your mp3files on a server and add the files' links to the page.  When the link is clicked, the browser opens a media player window and plays a file.  However, since the file is in mp3 format, it may also be downloaded.  Downloading music files without the authorization of the copyright owner is illegal.  Therefore, if you will be using this type of streaming, make sure that you have the appropriate permit to do so.

              A third way to add audio to you blog or website is to stream music through organizing playlists.  Playlists are m3u files, which if downloaded, will not play music if offline.  Using this process, however, can be complex.  Here is a short instruction on how to do it.

1. Save your mp3 or wma file on the server.  You may skip this step if you know that the file exists on another server and know the link to that file.  Make sure that the link has a .mp3 or .wma extension.

2. Open your text editor and type the path to the file.   Include the http:// and the file extension.  Repeat this step until you have included all the links to the files that you would like to be included in the playlist.

3. Save the playlist with a .m3u extension.

4. Upload the m3u file on the directory where the music files are hosted or to your server.

5. Open your html editor and embed the link to the m3u file.  Through this, you can also set if you want to have the playlist to autoplay if someone visits your site of if you want your visitor to control playing the music.  You can also set the volume level.

After the code is embedded on the html file, and whenever your site is visited, the songs in the playlist will be buffered, streamed and played one after another.  If your playlist has several songs, the user can skip forward or go back a song in the playlist using the media player controls.

Doing this setup works for many website owners.  Through this you can customize the type of music being played on your site.  You can even play recordings related to your product to boost product awareness.

It requires knowledge of html to be done.  But if it will be the best way to increase traffic to your site, why not request assistance from programmers.  After all, having audio on a website is a proven way to increase sales.

5 Reasons Why Blogging is the New Internet Marketing Tool

Blogging is a concept that started in late 90s.  It used to be a way to comment an existing webpage, an opportunity for visitors and readers to react or voice out one’s opinion on the said page.  What started as a single-sentence commentary has evolved into pages of personal take on just about anything and everything under the sun.  As it continues to move forward, online advertising has tapped into the blog’s potential.  Here are 5 reasons why you should use blogging as an Internet marketing tool.  

1.Blogging is simple.  The simplest way to get your piece on the net is through blogging.  No skills are necessary… an average adult can read and type, or at least click a mouse.  It’s like having a virtual piece of paper and you just write your ideas, experiences, new products, and hope that the truth behind your articles comes out and entice your reader to also try your product.  If you have a PC and an Internet connection (who doesn’t?) then you can blog and advertise.

2. Blogging is authentic.  In this day and age where advertising saturate our lives, we question the credibility of promoters’ claims.  However, in blogs, real people share their real-life experiences, unscathed by paid advertising.  Reading blogs about first-hand product use is like talking to people about their first-hand experience.  You definitely want to buy a tried and tested product.

3. Blogging is free.  Because blogging is yet to be proven as a mainstream online advertising media, most sites see it as something to augment current marketing tools and thus offer it for free.   Any opportunity for free webtime is definitely a bonus especially to businesses that are starting up.  Needless to say, paid blog pages can generate more income for your seriously growing business. 

4. Blogging builds credibility.  As you get more and more into writing your experiences on a particular product or industry, your readers come to realize that they can depend on your posts for their own information needs.  As such, you become an expert on it; as a consequence, more readers visit your site and more bloggers link to your blogs.  As companies and professional organizations notice the growth of your readership base, they may soon get in touch with you for advertising on your blog page, or make you an affiliate, which pays for every referral generated from your blog site.

5. Blogging builds your market.  Unless you are a Hollywood star, chances are, only your Mom reads your posts.  Mom has a lot of friends, so she lets her friends know how interesting your blog site is.  But you need not depend on Mom to increase your readership base.  Look into the following ways to build your market through blogging:

-By using your e-mail.  Today, blogging is overcoming the e-mail’s popularity in quickly and effectively reaching and expanding a market.  In this age of speed and quick access, logging in and downloading e-mail is simply taking longer than clicking into a blog site.  Let them explore your site by using a short e-mail message as teaser to your blog site.  If your e-mail is on an entirely different subject, use your e-mail signature to give a link to the site.

-By using subscription.  An easy way to get your readers e-mail is to give them an opportunity to subscribe to your blogsite.  Keep some exclusive information for your subscribers to entice readers to subscribe and give their e-mail address.  Just be responsible in using their e-mail address, as the last thing you want is a comment on your blog that you are a spammer.

-By understanding your readers.  Conduct a simple survey for your readers to understand their profile and advertising preferences.  Ask consumers to give you feedback on a post, an ad link, or a trial that you shared.  In this way, it is like interviewing your readers without the commitment and intrusion of a face-to-face interview.

-By joining a blog network –A network of blogs maybe a collection of blog sites that share the same industry, interest, readership base, payment mode, etc.  Consumers find credibility and convenience in clicking one link to several real bloggers about a single subject.  Clearly, more bloggers are better than one.

-By using RSS. RSS is the fastest growing technology on the Internet today.  As such, having RSS feeds to your blog is definitely another means of generating awareness for your readership base.  Having a variety of feeds can add interest to your blog site.  

Give your business a boost by effectively using blogging as an Internet marketing tool.

All You Need To Know About Blog Hosts

        Apart from the chat rooms, instant messengers and electronic mails created for communication and dialogue beyond turf are the emerging innovations that help man build opportunities for interaction.  The need for a personalized and human face aspect of building online communities is slowly changing the technological landscape of the Internet.

          Blogs / “weblogs” or blogging are the newest gift of Internet technology to people all over the world. These are updated posts, crop up entries or personalized life snippets, of mundane or bizarre in nature. For most, a “blog” is a personal, unedited, and authentic journal meant to be shared in an online community. Blog site is a place where bloggers can publish anything; his thoughts, feelings, photos, special events, experiences, comments on issues and so on. It is more of an online diary with videos, links, documents, newsletters and opinions on just about any topics you are interested.

Blogs are made to welcome the insights and opinions of all and therefore, should not be written to sound intimidating and too formal. This kind of blog is a sure way to put off the readers. In the basics of blogging, conversational tone would be more appropriate to reach the desired audience.

Blogging is all about individuals reaching out to other individuals. Having a blog has its own set of advantages:
? Freedom of Expression. If you want people to hear you out and give their own opinion, this is the best way to create a line of communication;
? Networking is at its best. Having a blog is a good platform for exchanging genuine ideas from consumers to you as marketer of a certain product. Sound opinion and point of view is better than just showing the price quote;
? Excellent advertising platform. Blogging is a new way to advertise products, a refreshing change from the traditional advertising outlets and it is cost-effective.
? Gauging public opinion on products and services. The key is nice and catchy titles with new ideas presented in your content. This is an assurance of quick and repeated responses from your readers.  Blogs is an excellent spot for the exchange of ideas between the seller and the consumer. Good for measuring public opinion regarding services and products, even political and business matters alike.
? Useful tool for internal communication. This will help your company to build a knowledge-based community of employees. Also good for harnessing employee relations and identifying human resource issues in advance.
? Other benefits like search engine optimization (SEO) will help your blogs to be seen often by as many people as you wish. This is very good exposure for your products and services. 

Many blog hosting services are available on the Internet. But the basic question is which one of the services will be the best to start off your business blog program? Business people are usually clueless to recent technological innovations which would help them maximize their marketing potentials. For these beginners, it is best to study first the services offered by blog hosts. An ineffective business blogging program may damage marketing opportunities instead of enriching them.

A company may decide to do the following depending on its capacity and needs: 1) Host their own blog service, 2) Pay someone else to host the service, or 3) Setup a “blog aggregator page” and ask the employees to select their blog hosting services individually. There are paid and free services available for individuals.

For business blogs, they are required to have the latest blogging features; if not, this will prevent them from maximizing their marketing, public relations and SEO potentials. 

Keep in mind that blogs should have the following basic essentials: 

COMMENTS.  Welcoming comments provide opportunity for dialogue. In business blogs, they are a good customer feedback mechanism. This helps develop better customer relations based from loyalty and trust. Blogging is an innovative way to converse with your customers.
TRACKBACK. This helps in maximizing company and product exposure. Through this service, consumers can get back to you for more posts and updates without the difficulty of locating you. If your blog is popular in a specific online community chances are links going back to your blog site are everywhere online, other blog sites or even websites.
CATEGORIES AND TAGS. These both help in classifying blog searches for ease of navigation and on site search. Categories act as libraries because it classifies posts by subject matter such as business, distance learning, e-commerce, online auctions, etc. Tags, help in the classification, especially in the blog search engine Technorati. Possible customers and new clients locate blogs about certain topics of interest by just clicking the tags.
RSS FEED. Really Simple Syndication is the feed from your blog that is sent out over the internet, and collected through the various newsreaders and aggregators. 

If your company is to establish a business blogging program, considerable options should be made available by the hosting companies shortlisted for the services. Free blog hosting services are popular but they are much appropriate for individual online journals. Paid blog hosting services offer unlimited packages best for your company’s needs. You may want to suggest checking out some blogs that use the host first, read and examine their layout and design. Another important thing to consider is a reliable technical support the host has. 

After, choosing the blog host, a team should be ready to plan the design and structure of the blog: The team should:
? create a style that meets the needs of the audience;
? establish an open, credible tone;
? schedule weekly updating of blog - ideally, a few times a week;
? include weblinks of other website and blogs;
? blog post should be in the “first person;”
? focus on the business blog objective; and,
? maintain an honest, engaging conversational quality. 

Remember, whatever the look, style and content found on your blog is a reflection of you and your company.



Blogging 01

        If writing is an art, then, blogging is one way of using words to come up with an art. This is because people who are into blogging are the ones who are artistic on their own sense, carefully choosing words that would best describe their feelings, sentiments, wishes, desires, and everything.

        Basically, blogs were first introduced as weblogs that refer to a “server’s log file.” It was created when web logging hit the virtual market. Since its inception in the mid-1990s, web logging gradually saturated the virtual community making the Internet a viable source of greater information.

However, with web logging, you still need a web site and domain names, but with blogging, you do not need anything just an account with blog providers. In most cases, these kinds of blogs are free of charge.

       With the onset of blogging in the industry, personal journaling had been a common ground for people who wish to be known all over the world. However, not literally famous as this is not a case on being popular or well-known personality.

        Generally, blogs are created for personal use. Like a journal, people can write their daily adventures, sentiments, and whatever ideas they want to express online.

Nevertheless, with the advent of the online businesses, blogs had gradually taken the limelight in providing businesses a chance to boost their productivity online. This is where the business blogs have taken the limelight.

Business blogs are, basically, created to advertise the services or products of a certain web site or online business in order to increase online sales.

          Moreover, business blogs are also one way of promoting the company so that the other readers will know that a certain company exists online. With blogs, entrepreneurs are able to establish a name in the virtual market through articles that can be very useful in the reader’s life.

         From there, you can make money out of blogs by simply syndicating it to your business’ web site. This can be done through the RSS technology.

         So, if you are thinking to create a blog, whether for business or for pleasure, you need to know some tips that could help you get through and make your blog one of the interesting blogs online.

Here’s how:

1. Consider your audience

Even if your blog is generally personal, still, it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them.

After all, most of the reasons of people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be “heard” (or read) and would love to be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it.

2. Pictures speaks a thousand words

To make your blogging worth the browsing effort of your readers, it would be extremely nice if you will put some pictures in it. It does not necessarily mean you have to place a picture of yourself. Any photographs will do as long as it does not pose danger or insult to anyone who will be reading your blog.

3. Make constructive and beneficial blogs

Even if you are free to write anything you wan to say to the world, still, it would be better to create some write-ups that would be beneficial to your readers.

After all, its information technology that you have there so better be inclined to provide information rather than sheer quirky entertainment.

4. Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs

In order to have an interesting blogs, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs.

Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these lengthy articles.

5. Make it interactive

As much as possible and if your capacity will allow it, make your blog interactive. Yu can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog.

You can even place an area for comments or for some feedbacks. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site. 

Indeed, blogs are not created just for the mere fun of it. It also has its own purpose in the world of the Internet. 
Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it. 

As they say, blogging is the contemporary term of creative and commercial writing.

Google Earth

Google Earth lets you fly anywhere on Earth to view satellite imagery, maps, terrain, 3D buildings and even explore galaxies in the Sky. You can explore rich geographical content, save your toured places and share with others. Download now...

how to use ShoutBox in your blog

An example of shoutbox is be like this :

Where you can get a shoutbox? there is very much site provide this service. One of them is At this site you can get a shoutbox for free (basic account). This is the steps for get a shoutbox at shoutmix :

  1. Please visit

  2. Before you must register, please click "CREAT YOUR SHOUTBOX NOW", or you can click "SIGN UP" at upper tab.

  3. If you are has registered at shoutmix, please login with your ID.

  4. At the column with title Style, click appearance.

  5. Then click pull down menu beside Load From Preset for setting your shoutbox, please select which you want. If it is done, don't forget to click Save Setting.

  6. To get HTML code for your shoutbox, please click "Use Shoutbox"

  7. Click at "Place Shoutbox on web page", write the width and hight you want.

  8. Copy all of the HTML code at text area below of "Generated Codes", paste at notpad and then save to your computer.

  9. Click "Log out" and then close.

  10. Done. now you have a shoutbox code for add to your blog.

Now you can add your shoutbox code to your blog, please following the steps :

  1. Login to blogger with your ID.
  2. After entering the dasboard page , click Layout. Please saw the picture :
  3. layout

  4. Click at Page Element tab. See the picture below :
  5. page element

  6. Click at Add a Page element.
  7. After emerging pop up window , Klik add to blog button for the things HTML/JavaScript. See the picture following :
  8. javascript

  9. Open your Shoutbox code, copy and then paste into available column.

  10. Click save changes

  11. Done. Please see the result.

Now you have a Shoutbox at your blog.

See you next time at my new post brother. Happy blogging.

What's Google Adsense...???

Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant, unobtrusive Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your users are looking for on your site, you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.

It's also a way for web site publishers to provide Google search to their site users, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.

The program is free, and combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages. So go ahead and try this program. If you comply with our program policies, just complete our online application and select either or both of AdSense for content pages and AdSense for search. One application gets you approved for both AdSense and AdSense for search - you can decide to use any combination of these products on your pages.

We'll review your application and follow up with an email within 2-3 days. If you are accepted into the program, you can log in to your new account and get the HTML code to insert into your webpages.

Keep in mind that participation in AdSense requires you to have a website. If you don't have one, you can sign up for a free blog at or create and publish useful, attractive webpages using Google Page Creator, at

About Travel

Tips For Traveling With ME/CFS or FM

direct insurance travel health insurance medical travel

I had the very same opinion because I was (and still am) largely housebound due to Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (also known as ME/CFS). But as a result, I had forfeited seeing my beloved family (who live abroad) for four long years. So recently, I decided to 'bite the bullet' and go. Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome or not.

I had a lovely time there, but the voyage there and back raised quite a few issues for me as a sufferer of Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome.

When it comes to ME/CFS no one sufferer has the same experience as the next. For a start, you may suffer from this condition less or more severely than I do. You probably also experience a different mix of symptoms. But there are a few things you can bear in mind if you do plan on making a long trip:

1) Rest adequately beforehand.

This might mean not exerting yourself mentally or physically for a number of days or even weeks beforehand - easier said than done, I know. But bear in mind that resting is a BIG priority PRE-trip.

2) Plan your trip.

Leave LOTS of time in-between train, bus or plane times so that you don't have to rush. **Over-estimate** the amount of time it will take you. That way, if you get there early you can just sit and rest instead of rushing and stressing, which will only make you feel more weak and ill.

3) Get help.

If you're making a long trip then it's advisable that you ask someone (like a relative or friend) to accompany you there and back. Ideally this would be someone who understands your condition and how it affects you. If you have trouble walking (or if this wears you out too much usually) then consider asking someone from the train or plane company to meet you with a wheelchair. Most large commercial companies seem to offer this service, but you usually have to tell them in advance. You might also consider using a walking stick. Anything to help you get there in one piece, right?

4) Don't rush.

Pack slowly. Don't leave it until the last minute! I had an open suitcase in my bedroom in which I put things as I thought of them. I also made a check list for the morning of the trip, so that I didn't forget the things that I needed to pack after using them that morning (like toothbrush, toothpaste, tablets etc).

5) Pack light!

If you're going on a short trip, then maybe you can get away with not packing any luggage at all?

----- SIDE NOTE ----- If you're traveling to a different time zone, consider taking some ear plugs and a light-blocking sleep mask with you, just in case you need to sleep during the day. ----- SIDE NOTE -----

6) Don't forget to pack your medicines, vitamins, and supplements!

Don't make the mistake of not packing enough. Count out how many tablets you'll need just to make sure.

7) Warn the people you're going to be staying with about your needs.

This may be your family, friends or the hotel manager. Let them know about your sleeping habits and your dietary needs. Is there anything you *can't* eat or drink? Caffeine or dairy, for example? Should they get some special food or drink in like say, soya milk?

8) Bring a book on ME/CFS with you just in case the people you stay with are interested in your condition.

If you have ME/CFS then I really recommend Lynn Michell's book 'Shattered', because it really explains what it's like to live with the condition. AND it packs a punch - just in case you face any skepticism while you're there! No need to start explaining yourself - just hand them the book. ;)

---------- SIDE NOTE ----------

To read a complete review about Lynn Michell's book, visit:

---------- SIDE NOTE ----------

9) Sensory overload.

When you suffer from ME/CFS, visual and aural stimuli can be too overwhelming for your brain to process adequately. This is especially true when you're traveling...

... the noise of the train, bus or plane, the chatting people, the fast moving countryside outside, the throng of other travelers...

All of this can play havoc with your brain and can end up making you feel even *more* exhausted, and your brain even *more* foggy!

There's not much you can do about this. But say you're on a train for example - if the fast moving countryside is making you feel dizzy, then try to avoid looking out the window. Close your eyes if you have to, or wear a sleep mask. If you find that you're getting dizzy and tired when you're in a busy corridor full of commuters in the subway for example, stop and face the wall for a few seconds to regroup and regain your clarity and balance.

10) Wear some magnetic insoles.

I had made it a point to see my Nutritionist/ Kinesiologist before I left for my trip abroad. She tested me with all the supplements I took daily, and found that the 'Pure Synergy' superfood powder really raised my vital force (see point 11 below).

But perhaps even more astounding was the magnetic insoles she gave me - they raised my vital force so much that at first, it literally felt like I was standing on a power pod! I could even feel a subtle tingling sensation in my legs!

I wore my magnetic insoles on the trip and I have to say that I *did* feel more energized! It's a very subtle feeling and after an hour or so of using them the tingling went away. You may or may not have the same sensations when you first try them - depending on how severe your ME/CFS is and how susceptible you are to external forces. But they're well worth a try. I now make it a point to wear my magnetic insoles whenever I have to venture outside and now that I know how much they help me, I most certainly wouldn't be without them.

---------- SIDE NOTE ----------

You can check out my full review of wearing magnetic insoles here:

---------- SIDE NOTE ----------

11) Perhaps most importantly, pack some nourishing food and supplements specifically for your voyage.

It's important to eat small amounts regularly especially when you travel. It's not a good idea to eat sugary foods or anything containing caffeine (including coffee, tea, sweets or chocolate) because although that may pep you up for the first few minutes, they are likely to make you feel a lot worse in the long term.

I took a few of Dr Gillian McKeith's 'Living Food Energy Bars' with me - I always keep a spare one in my handbag for emergencies anyway. Nuts are also a great idea when you're traveling (if you're not allergic to them that is).

I also took some of that amazing 'Pure Synergy' superfood powder, and mixed it in with some cooled herbal tea in a small bottle. No sugar. No caffeine.

It was my energy pep-up drink - and I swigged it all the way back on my voyage. It did the trick.

Barack Obama Profil's

Barack Hussein Obama II (born August 4, 1961) is the 44th and current President of United State. He is the first to hold the office. Obama was the Junior United State Senator from Illinois from January 3, 2005 until his resignation on November 16, 2008, following his. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2009 in an inaugural ceremony at the United State Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Obama is a graduate of Columbia University and Harvard Law School, where he was the first African American president of the. He worked as a community organizer, and practiced as a civil rights attorney in Chicago before serving three terms in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. He also taught Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004. Following an unsuccessful bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2000, Obama was elected to the Senate in November 2004. Obama delivered the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in July 2004. As a member of the Democratic minority in the 109th Congress, Obama helped create legislation to control conventional weapons and to promote greater public accountability in the use of federal funds. He also made official trips to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. During the 110th Congress, he helped create legislation regarding lobbying and electoral fraud, climate change, nuclear terrorism, and care for U.S. military personnel returning from combat assignments in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Good News from Palestine

09 Jan 2009 01:34 pm

No, really. The good news comes in the form of a bell that isn't ringing: The West Bank is more-or-less quiet. In the first two uprisings, the violence spread quickly from one half of the future state of Palestine to the other. Today, this isn't happening. I asked Walter Isaacson, who is the chairman of the U.S.-Palestinian Partnership, why he thought this was so. Walter, who by day runs the Aspen Institute, points to the work of the Palestinian prime minister, Salam Fayyad, who is growing the West Bank economy at a remarkable rate.

"There has been double-digit growth in the economy, and people have a stake in the future because of what Salam Fayyad and others have done to improve conditions there," Walter said. "And Israelis have responded by encouraging economic development. I think that people in the West Bank have a clear sense of what peace would bring them, and that's a prosperous state. If you just let all these engineers in the Palestinian territories and in Israel form joint start-ups, you'll see a vision of the future. Success is not achieved just with secret talks about politics but by laying a groundwork for prosperity."

What was true before the Gaza incursion remains true now: The best hope for a two-state solution is a vibrant West Bank that could serve as a role model for the people of Gaza.

How Credit Cards Work

Credit cards are issued after an account has been approved by the credit provider, after which cardholders can use it to make purchases at merchants accepting that card.

When a purchase is made, the credit card user agrees to pay the card issuer. The cardholder indicates his/her consent to pay, by signing a receipt with a record of the card details and indicating the amount to be paid or by entering a Personal identification number (PIN). Also, many merchants now accept verbal authorizations via telephone and electronic authorization using the Internet, known as a 'Card/Cardholder Not Present' (CNP) transaction.

Electronic verification systems allow merchants to verify that the card is valid and the credit card customer has sufficient credit to cover the purchase in a few seconds, allowing the verification to happen at time of purchase. The verification is performed using a credit card payment terminal or Point of Sale (POS) system with a communications link to the merchant's acquiring bank. Data from the card is obtained from a magnetic stripe or chip on the card; the latter system is in the United Kingdom and Ireland commonly known as Chip and PIN, but is more technically an EMV card.

Other variations of verification systems are used by eCommerce merchants to determine if the user's account is valid and able to accept the charge. These will typically involve the cardholder providing additional information, such as the security code printed on the back of the card, or the address of the cardholder.

Each month, the credit card user is sent a statement indicating the purchases undertaken with the card, any outstanding fees, and the total amount owed. After receiving the statement, the cardholder may dispute any charges that he or she thinks are incorrect (see Fair Credit Billing Act for details of the US regulations). Otherwise, the cardholder must pay a defined minimum proportion of the bill by a due date, or may choose to pay a higher amount up to the entire amount owed. The credit provider charges interest on the amount owed if the balance is not paid in full (typically at a much higher rate than most other forms of debt). Some financial institutions can arrange for automatic payments to be deducted from the user's bank accounts, thus avoiding late payment altogether as long as the cardholder has sufficient funds.

Credit Card

A credit card is part of a system of payments named after the small plastic card issued to users of the system. The issuer of the card grants a line of credit to the consumer (or the user) from which the user can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance to the user. A credit card is different from a charge card, where a charge card requires the balance to be paid in full each month. In contrast, credit cards allow the consumers to 'revolve' their balance, at the cost of having interest charged. Most credit cards are issued by local banks or credit unions, and are the same shape and size as specified by the ISO 7810 standard.

What is Computer Personal

A personal computer (PC) is any general-purpose computer whose original sales price, size, and capabilities make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end user, with no intervening computer operator.

Today a PC may be a desktop computer, a laptop computer or a tablet computer. The most common operating systems are Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, while the most common microprocessors are x86-compatible CPUs, ARM architecture CPUs and PowerPC CPUs. Software applications for personal computers include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, games, and a myriad of personal productivity and special-purpose software. Modern personal computers often have high-speed or dial-up connections to the Internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources.

A PC may be a home computer, or may be found in an office, often connected to a local area network. The distinguishing characteristics are that the computer is primarily used, interactively, by one person at a time. This is in contrast to the batch processing or time-sharing models which allowed large expensive systems to be used by many people, usually at the same time, or large data processing systems which required a full-time staff to operate efficiently.

While early PC owners usually had to write their own programs to do anything useful with the machines, today's users have access to a wide range of commercial and non-commercial software which is easily installed.